Laughing Therapy

Laughing Therapy

by Sanjay B

Laughing is the easiest effective remedy in particular diseases related to tension, whether it may be Heart, Blood pressure, Diabetes etc. Laughter aids digestion, stimulates heart, strengthens muscles, activate the brain’s creative function & keep us alert. Laughing cure is healthy lifestyle. Laughing is a physical internal cleaning process of body. Use of laughing as an option for medicines gives immediate & effective result & person may become free from the slavery of medicines.

Smiling is a unique gift of nature to human being, which make him capable to get rid off tension, fear, worries, disappointment, negative thinking, anger etc., which are the root cause of various diseases. It also develops tolerance power, positive thinking & keep one undisturbed even in unfavorable conditions. Smile stimulates our facial muscles. The face of such person become charming & attractive with full of lustre. Whosoever comes in contact with such persons is influenced automatically with their personality.

Many credit Laughing Therapy to Norman Cousins – an American political journalist, author, professor, and world peace advocate. After years of prolonged pain from a form of arthritis then called Marie-Strumpell’s disease and also heart disease, Cousins claims to have cured himself with a self-invented regimen of laughter and megadoses of vitamin – C. In his 1979 book “Anatomy of an Illness”, Cousins describes how watching comedy movies helped him recover, having survived years longer than his doctors predicted: 10 years after his first heart attack, 26 years after his collagen illness, and 36 years after his doctors first diagnosed his heart disease.

The positive attitude of such persons will produce useful hormones in body which increases vitality & working efficiency. Sorrowful, worried, tensioned, frightened, disappointed & angry person cannot smile & if they start smiling knowingly or unknowingly negative attitude will disappear automatically because both are opposed to each other. Therefore, if any body practices even imaginary smile, causes of disease will disappear.

When smile changes into laughing it works as a healthy tonic. Laughing is a most effective, healing process of mind. Laughing yoga is the easiest natural way to remove unwanted materials of body & also result into performance of various exercises of respiration. Laughing therapy is to laugh with full force or zeal or capacity. True laughing appears like a cannon shot & eliminate feeling of shock & tension etc. immediately. The inner organs of body get easy massage through laughing. Endocrine glands & Energy Centres become active, which increases resistance power & start releasing unwanted material responsible for diseases from the body. Positive thinking starts developing, self confidence is achieved. Sorrowfulness is forgotten & body feels freshness.

Laughing in open air, fresh atmosphere inhale oxygen very fast which activate body cells more powerful. Useless & unnecessary contaminated elements, which are stored in the body begin to leave their places. Working capacity of lung increases. Blood purification process become fast, Blood Pressure becomes normal. Mental tension & fear goes away. Pain is relaxed. Coronaries which are our life lines, needs fresh air which can be inhaled easily by laughing. Thus laughing cures almost all the chronical & acute diseases which are incurable by modern science.

Laughing is the easiest effective remedy in particular diseases related to tension, whether it may be Heart, Blood pressure, Diabetes etc. Laughter aids digestion, stimulates heart, strengthens muscles, activate the brain’s creative function & keep us alert. Laughing cure is healthy lifestyle. Laughing is a physical internal cleaning process of body. Use of laughing as an option for medicines gives immediate & effective result & person may become free from the slavery of medicines.

With empty stomach in the morning in the fresh atmosphere of open air try to laugh silently with full capacity which will give benefits of laughing yoga. Every person should choose suitable period of laughing duration after considering wisely his or her capacity & visualising attentively the reactions of laughing. Appropriate rest should be taken between two durations of laughing. Five minutes of such laughing, body get energy approximately equal to one to two kilometer of walking. Laughing becomes more effective if we do it with closed eyes and concentrate on or massage diseased organ. Laughing in the morning facing rising sun is even more effective because benefit of solar energy is also easily available together with the benefit of laughing.

Laughing to tease some one or due to failure of any body is a cruel laughing & therefore, such laughing is strictly prohibited. Laughing sarcastingly at others some times becomes the cause of quarrel. When alone, one can do silent Laughing exercise by keeping lips closed. Therefore, the people of all categories without any hesitation may exercise regularly such laughing yoga in all the circumstances. Treatment for any patient directly proportional to laughing time duration as per individual requirement. Laughing yoga is the easiest safest, surest, quickest way of remaining healthy. It is self possessed self controlled, all time available, free & effective source to get rid off any disease & thus laughing is preventive as well as curative method to keep one healthy.

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