Yogic Cure for Genito-Urinary Disorders and Reproductive System

Yogic Cure for Genito-Urinary Disorders and Reproductive System

by Sanjay B

Faulty Functioning of Ovaries: Symptoms include Amenorrhoea (absence of menstrual flow in women), Menorrhagia (Excessive bleeding during menstruation) and Metrorrahagia (excessive bleeding from the uterus from onset of the puberty or any age. Recommended yogic exercises: Paranayama, Dhanur Asana, Halasana, Mal Asana, Sarvang Asana, Sirsh Asana.

Female Diseases

Symptoms include Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge may be associated with a viscid, thick, foul smell generally due indigestion and sedentary habit).

Displacement of Uterus or uterine prolapse (usually occurs after delivery or in women who are aged and given birth to too many children. The uterus slips downwards in between the space of the bladder and bowel. It may produce from the vagina with offensive smell sometimes due to infection.
Recommended yogic exercises: Gomukh Asana, Manduk Asana, Yog Mudra, Upavista, Kona Asana, Shallabh Asana, Pachimottan Asana, Matsya Asana.

Vaginitis (Blood stained discharge): Due to infection or erosion of the cervix. It is an alarming sign of problem pregnancy. Consult a doctor for suitable yoga exercises.

White Vaginal Discharge: Usually due to local infection of vagina or cervix with symptoms of severe itching, burning and sometimes heavy yellowish flow.
Recommended postures: Matsaya Asana, Shallabh Asana, Ek Pada Uttan Asana.

Pregnancy Toxemia: Causes abrupt occurrence of bleeding. The symptoms include sudden increase in weight, swelling in the body, rise in blood pressure, appearance of albumin in urine, breathlessness, diuretics to flush out urine. Very light yogic exercises are recommended.

Breast Inflammation: Causes in pregnant women. The main symptoms are belching, soreness in throat and loss of taste.
Recommended yoga postures : Bhujang Asana, Chakra Asana, Dhanur Asana.

Stomach or Liver Pain: Due to increased weight of the embryo which results stained nerves. Massage stomach slowly with ghee to relieve pain.
Pranayama is recommended.

Morning Sickness: Causes vomiting sensation during early stage of pregnancy or after two week beyond the scheduled date of regular menses.
Recommended postures: Marjara Asana, Tara Asana, Vira Asana, Uttana Asana.

Dark Spots and Pigmented Lines on the Skin: The texture of the skin is affected during pregnancy which becomes fairer or darker due to action of sex hormones. The patches of dark spots usually appear on the face and various parts of the body including neck, back, abdomen and upper thighs due to stretching of the skin.
Recommended postures
: Janusir Asana, Janusir Merudanda Asana, Parivrtta Asana.

Tumour or Sores in the Uterus: Pain due to lesions in the uterus are caused. A vaginal douche with water in which neem leaves have been boiled relieves pain. Fermentation of the lower abdomen and the pubes by a cloth pad soaked in this decoction cures. The patient should eat easily digestible food. Avoid sex during this period.
Recommended postures
: Matsya Asana, Supta Vajra Asana, Hal Asana, Ardh Sarvanga Asana.

Dysmenorrhoea: A sense of weakness and pain (in the groin also) proceeds the menstrual flow is a sign of irritation in the ovaries usually caused by inflammation of internal organs like womb, the ovaries or the fallopian tubes. Recommended prostures: Tikona Asana, Vajroli Mudra, Ushtra Asana, Mal Asana, Gomukh Asana.

Metritis: An inflammation of the uterus due to malfunctioning of the ovaries in which exercises similar to Dysmenorrhoea are recommended.

Flaccidity of the Breasts: The mammary glands of the breasts of women undergo many changes when lactation has begun. The breasts become firm and beautiful when a woman is suckling her infant. The firmness is reduced when lactation has stopped or a woman has gone beyond the childbearing age. The breast has a tendency to sag and become flaccid. Apply a paste of roots of the Banyan tree ground with water on the breast for a week.
Recommended postures: Bhujang Asana, Dhanur Asana.

Premature Separation of Placenta: It is a worst disease may cause during advanced stage of pregnancy when the vaginal orifice starts widening or at the time of actual delivery approaches. The portion of the placenta which has already coagulated near vaginal orifice gets burst and is immediately followed by Haemorrhagia. An immediate medical treatment is essential to avoid trouble.
Regular practice of few light exercises such as Padma Asana, Baddha Kona Asana (as advised by Naturopath) during the pregnancy period strengthen reproductive organs.

Cramps: The trouble in pregnant starts in the fourth month from conception when the pain shoots-up in the night while lying down to sleep. Cramping trouble develops due to deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body. The pain develops more in waist, stomach, buttock muscles. Massage whole body with ‘Narayana Oil’.
Recommended postures: Pas Asana, Manduk Asana, Garuda Asana, Parasarita Pada Uttan Asana, Gomukh Asana.

Delayed Menstruation: The trouble is seen in teenagers. Sometimes, the gap between the period is as longer two month or more. Anaemia can lead to delayed periods. Sometimes, menses does not occur for many mouths at a stretch. Deal with the anaemia first. Eat leafy vegetable and fruit but avoid eating refined flour products, sugar and milled rice as far as possible. Hot and cold hip baths can help.
Yogic postures to relieve delayed menstruations include Badha Konasana, Karna-pida Asana, Matsya Asana, Salamba Sirsh Asana, Supta-vajra Asana, Hal Asana.

Disorders of Male and Women Genitalia

Urinary Calculi: Formation of stone in kidney, ureter or urethara generally due to calcium phosphate or oxalates.

Syphilis: A general disease due to sexual contact with infected opposite sex.
Recommended yogic postures: Kurm Asana, Bhunaman Asana, Upasita Kona Asana, Supta Vajra Asana, Ushtra Asana.

Gonorrhoea: Causes by sexual contact with opposite sex in which there will be yellowish white discharge with pain. The disease spreads to other parts of body. The recommended yogic postures are similar to those as in case of syphilis.

Sterlity (Frigidity): A condition where in a women will be unable to conceive generally due to malfunctioning of fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, hormonal imbalance, anaemia, blood poisoning and malnutrition. This disorder of sexual weakness may hamper the function to give sex pleasure or sexual enjoyment.
Recommend postures: Paschimottanasana, Sarvang Asana, Matsya Asana, Shav Asana, Sirsh Asana.

Pain in Lower Belly: Due to weakness in pregnant women or due to infection in pelvic organs or urinary tract in men and women.
Recommended postures: Nauli Mudra, Ardh Chandra Asana, Yog Mudra.

Scalding Urine: Causes burning sensation during urination, generally due to hyperacidity or malfunctioning of the kidneys.
Recommended postures: Salamba Sirsh Asana, Paschimottanasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana.

Anaemia: Shortage of blood and sufficient iron in body is termed as anaemia. Pregnant women enter an anaemic condition in the 12th week and the condition reaches its climax in 32nd week.
Recommended yogic exercises: Pranayama e.g. Ujjayi (energy renewing pranayama) and Nadi-Sodhana (alternate breathing), Pachimottan Asana, Ardh Matsyendra Asana, Sarvang Asana, Shav Asana.

Liver/Kidney Pain: These are common due to accumulation of acidity in gall bladder in women. Suddenly the pain starts from back and then passes to the right shoulder. In case of kidney pain, the pain starts from kidney and passes upward. Woman feels pain in the breasts.
Recommended postures: Matsya Asana, Sarvang Asana.

Obstruction of Urine: Causes when uterus shifts its place and is pushed back developing pressure on the kidney affecting normal flow of urine accompanied by accumulation of blood or pus. As a result of obstruction in urine there is feeling of pain; inflammation and swelling in urethra and uterus.
Recommended postures: Ardha Sarvang Asana, Baddha Kona Asana, Matsya Asana, Karna-Pida Asana.

Itching Pain in Vagina: The trouble is common among women those who have trouble of regular secretion. The itching usually causes due to semen remaining in the vagina after sexual intercourse. Too frequent sex should be avoided during pregnancy. Avoid too much scratching of gential organs and if the secretion touches the anus, itching pain and swelling spreads.
Recommended postures: Baddha Kona Asana, Yog Mudra, Mal Asana, Supta Vajra Asana, Pas Asana.

Hydramnios: Develops in women in the 5th or 6th month after conception and sometimes results into miscarriage. In the uterus, there is a small membrane which is full of anamistic fluid in which the foetus develops. The membrane starts swelling resulting the placenta orifice gets closed due to inflammation and pain or the orifice of the placenta is closed. Perform very light yogic exercises as recommended by yoga experts.

Threatened Abortion: Have the symptoms of spotting i.e. a drop or two of blood oozing out of uterus. A complete rest is advised. Eat “Amla Murabba” wrapped in silver foil in the morning during throughout the period of pregnancy. Yoga exercises are not recommended.

Pain in Breasts during Lactation Period: The veins in the breast become engorged during lactation period. Bhujangasana and Dhanurasana are the recommended exercises.

Cystitis (Frequent Urination): The condition is common in the beginning of pregnancy or near the time of labour. Only light exercises for reproductive system are recommended.

Retention of Urine: This problem occurs during the third stage of pregnancy when the weight of the foetus presses upon the urethra. To relieve the presure, the doctor usually insert two finger into the vagina to lift the uterus little. Avoid strong diuretic in such condition.
Recommended yogic postures: Arhda Matsyendra Asana, Supta Vajra Asana.

Vulvular Pruritis: Consists of intense itching in the genital tract during pregnancy. Avoid spices and cordiments. A warm water douche should be given and the genital tract should be painted with a solution of camphor mixed to rose water.
Recommended postures: Gomukh Asana, Ek Pada Uttan Asana, Yog Mudra.

Cough, Cold and Bronchitis: It is also common among pregnants, generally due to pressure on lungs as a result of development of embryo. Sometimes, it develops into a whooping cough and cause danger of a miscarriage. Regular practice of Kapalabhati Pranayama, Neti and Dhuati is an ideal remedy.

Vigour and Beauty: A sense of equilibrium revive the energy of body and one feels refreshed and charged with energy.
Recommended postures: Natraj Asana, Dhanur Asana, Viparitakarani, Kurm Asana, Vir-bhadra Asana, Uttan Asana.

Nocturnal Emission: It is more common in male when there is seminal discharge during sleep usually due to mental tension, insecurity, frustration and seeing sexy TV Programmes, adult movies and reading obsene literature. Recommended yogic postures : Baddha Kona Asana, Mula-badha, Yog mudra.

Varicose Veins: It is caused due to lack of exercise, obesity and standing for long time, as a result blood circulation in the veins becomes slow causing congestion of blood. The valves in the veins become weak causing discomfort and pain in legs. Practice of inverted yogic exercises such as Sirsh Asana, Salamba Sirsh Asana, Sarvang Asana, Viparitakarani help the flow of blood towards the heart.

Apprehension of Miscarriage: The symptoms include pain or the slightest spotting (bleeding) by the expectant mother usually during the first trimester (upto 12 weeks) of pregnancy. A complete bed rest and a wet pack be placed on the pubes for an hour in the morning and evening. The process should be repeated on the dates the pregnant woman would have had her monthly period. After the third month the apprehension of a miscarriage will recede. Avoid yogic exercises strictly.

Childbirth in the Eighth Months: Usually the infant delivered in the eighth month does not survive. Deficiency of many natural salts including calcium affect the healthy growth of the child in the mother’s womb due to abnormal development of foetus. The mother may suffer from weakness of the muscles which support the uterus and may suffer a miscarriage and even if there is a normal birth, the child is most likely to be sickly and weak. Calcium is found in leafy vegetables and milk in abundant quantities. Yogic postures which strengthen the reproductive organs are Sirsh Asana, Salamba Sirsh Asana, Sarvang Asana, Paschimottanasana, Supta Vajra Asana.

Premature Ejaculation Among Men: It is a malfunctioning due to psychological reasons. The male is generally found to be sexually more aroused than the female who needs a bit of foreplay to be ready for sexual act. Too much of anticipation of the sex act, too much of excitement can lead to premature ejaculation giving a feeling of failure or lack of fulfillment which should follow the act of sexual intercourse. Yogic exercises to strengthen the nervous system are Baddha Kona Asana, Mulabandha, Paschimottanasana, Shirshasana, Salamba Shirshasana.

Impotence (Sexual Weakness): It is the inability to perform the sexual act which may be partial or complete, temporary or permanent. The problem can be categorised into organic and psychological. Organic impotence may be caused by lesions of the external genitalia, such as light fore-skin of organs and disturbance of endocrine glands (thyroid glands or piturtary glands). Ignorance, fear, weakness of sexual desire are the psychological factors which give rise to impotence among male having been addicted to masturbation in adolescence or over indulged sex are another reason for the impotency. Consult a doctor in case of organic impotence. Sexual weakness hampers the functions of reproductive system: to perpetuate the species and to give pleasure to both partners due to sexual weakness. Pranayama exercises (Kapalbhati followed by Bahya Kumbhaka) with bandhas should be practiced daily.

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