Diet in acid peptic disorders

Diet in acid peptic disorders

by Sanjay B

These constitute disorders of acid production in the stomach which result in digestive abnormalities. A natural healing diet provides the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, mineral and water. A change in life style also helps to reduce the risk of acid peptic disorders.

Literally speaking acid peptic pertains to:

Acid: – A substance which when dissolved in a solvent releases hydrogen ions (H+). In this particular case we are talking about hydrochloric acid, which is produced, in our stomach.

Peptic: – That which promotes or helps in digestion.

Collectively they constitute disorders of acid production in the stomach, which result in digestive abnormalities.

Risk factors

  • Genetic factors – Individuals are more likely to develop peptic ulcers that have a family history of members suffering from peptic ulcers.
  • Increasing age – Duodenal ulcers: More common between ages 30-50 years old. ‘Gastric ulcer: More common in people over age 60 years old
  • Use of aspirin or NSAIDs
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Living in crowded, unsanitary conditions (Helicobacter infection)
  • Immune abnormalities
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Negative emotions – Anger, depression, etc.
  • Improper diet –
    Viruddha ahara, Dooshita ahara, Vidahi ahara, Pitta prakopaka pana anna (madhya, masha amla takra), Ati bhojana, Varshakaalina jala (Prakupita pitta)
  • Highly acidic diet (80% of the diet should be alkaline (fruits and vegetables)
  • Increased intake of acidic foods such as non-veg, spices, refined carbohydrates etc. make the food acidic. Intake of coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks also increases acidic condition in the stomach.
  • Improper pattern of food
  • Skipping breakfast
  • Eat the ready-to-eat type of foods or fast foods that have hardly any nutrition
  • Eating without concentration on food
  • Improper Food combinations – Vegetables should not be combined with fruits, and fruits shouldn’t be combined with a protein meal (Because Proteins require acidic medium, whereas fruits are alkaline)

Dietary Management in Acid Peptic Disorders

  • To provide adequate nutrition
  • To afford rest to stomach.
  • To maintain continuous neutralization of gastric acid
  • To minimize acid secretions

In short Diet and eating pattern should be as follows: (Non Irritating to the gastro-intestinal mucosa.)  Mechanically, Chemically, Thermally.


Protein intake is recommended, as essential amino acids are needed for tissue protein synthesis. Proteins promote healing and have good buffering action. Meat proteins are to be avoided as they have a stimulating effect. Milk protein has a good buffering action, but the high calcium content of milk stimulates excess acid production. Green gram is the best protein that can be taken as cooked dal or soup. Moong sprouts are alkaline and are best advised to include in diet.


Fats delay the emptying of stomach. Hence an increased intake is beneficial. Fat intake should be moderately increased in the age group of 30-40, as this age group is more prone to atherosclerosis (hardening of blood vessels).

Ghee have an alkalinizing short chain fats known as butyrates and caprylates, which promote healthy bacterial growth in the intestines


Carbohydrates are included to meet the energy needs. In Hyperacidity Amylase action required for the carbohydrate digestion is destroyed by acidic medium. Hence there is delayed carbohydrate digestion. In acute conditions, starch should be reduced than daily intake. Among Cereals – Yava, Wheat and Old Rice are advised.


Requirements of nearly all vitamins remain normal. Vitamin C should be provided for the healing of ulcers and better iron absorption


Among Vegetables Bottle Gourd, Snake Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Ash Gourd, Ridge Gourd should be taken. Almost all vegetables are alkaline in nature.


Apple, Papaya, Pomegranate and Banana are advised. All fruits are alkaline forming. Even Citrus fruits, which are thought to be acidic, get converted into bicarbonates (alkaline). Banana neutralizes the secretion of juices. Foods containing flavonoids, like apples and onions may inhibit the growth of H. pylon. Guda and Vriidha Kushmanda is best recommended in acid peptic disorders.


Boiled and Cooked water

Old jaggery and Cow’s milk.

Goat’s milk heals peptic ulcers

Foods to avoid that may cause distress (Apathya)

Acid forming diet

All meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken) and fish

Legumes (Except sprouts)

Nuts: walnuts, cashews, peanuts and dried coconut

Fresh coconut is alkaline producing

Most forms of sweeteners

Refine table salt, Ketchup, Popcorn, Tobacco

Breads & Grains

Very coarse cereals such as bran

Bread or bread products with nuts or dried fruit

Breads and cereals prepared with high-fat ingredients such as biscuits

Milk & Dairy

Whole milk and chocolate milk

Evaporated whole milk and cream

Strong flavored cheeses

Fats & Snacks Gravies, cream soups

High-fat snacks such as chips, fried potatoes and buttered popcorn

Cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, and doughnuts

Coconut, chocolate, or creamed candy

All sweets and desserts containing nuts, coconut not allowed


Carbonated beverages, coffee (regular or decaffeinated)

Strongly flavored seasonings and condiments

Garlic, chili sauce, chili pepper, black pepper, chili powder and other highly spiced foods


Caffeine-containing beverages

(Coffee, tea, colas, orange soda)

Alcoholic beverages

Diet Menu

Diets for different Stages :-

Stage I Diet – during the active phase which is characterized by severe pain and heartburn

Stage II Diet – relief from symptoms, but the ulcers are not completely healed.

Stage III Diet – is what the patient has to follow throughout his life as a prophylactic measure.

Stage I & II

Early morning

1 cup Milk + 1 tsp ghee + Jaggery



Sweet fruits

Mid morning

Banana/Kushmanda (Ash guard)/ Dadiima (Pomegranate) / Papaya

Lunch & Dinner


Mudga Yusha (Green gram soup)

Spinach soup/carrot juice/cucumber juice/ Karavellaka (Bitter guard)/ Patola (Snake Guard) etc.


Fruit salads/juices

Stage III

All foods in stage I & II

Well cooked cereal preparation

Raw fruits & vegetables depending upon tolerance


Yoga works along four principal mechanisms. First is that of intra-organ massage, improving blood flow and allowing better healing; second is by better glandular secretion of mucus; third is acid reduction by specific poses; and the last, and most important, control of the mind and senses.

Some of the recommended Asanas are Vajrasana, Yoga mudra, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Surya Namaskara, Shavasana.


Diet mentioned as above provides excellent remedies in acid peptic disorders. SMART people eat smart and live longer. A healthy diet provides the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water to keep the body running and to reduce the risk of acid peptic disorders.

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