Healing cancer Naturally

Healing cancer Naturally

by Sanjay B

Healing of all kinds starts first and foremost in the mind. Instead of resorting to radiation therapy, chemotherapy and so on, as soon as a patient is diagnosed with cancer, most importantly, the patient has to believe and be convinced that his mind and his faith in himself has tremendous recuperative properties. Radiation, chemo and other treatments that aim to burn away the cancer cells, only help to further weaken the immune system of a body which has already been ravaged by cancer cells.

Healing cancer naturallyNature at her best has an astounding treasure trove of foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs and life style choices at her disposal. The key to healing of cancer is to address and eliminate the root causes that lead to this terrible disease manifesting in the human body.

First and foremost, ensure that the body is cleaned thoroughly of all possible toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, undigested food, and gallstones, which have got accumulated over a period of time. This can be done by cleansing the colon, liver and by chelating to get rid of those heavy metals and toxins. A body’s first line of defense is always its immune system and it is weakened considerably due to accumulation of toxins.

It is highly mandatory that steps should be taken to cleanse, restore and protect the liver at all times to heal cancer naturally. It has been proven that cancer cannot develop unless the liver is impaired. Here is a five day therapy to help cleanse your liver.

On the first three days consume a liter or four cups of apple juice and continue to take normal food. On the fourth day, refrain from consuming any solid food after lunch. At six PM of the same day, take a level tablespoon of Epsom salts in a glass of water. At eight PM, repeat the same process. Again, at around ten PM, thoroughly mix half a glass of olive oil and three quarters of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice. Drink this mixture and go to bed. You may find yourself frequenting the toilet often. On day five, at six AM, take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. Same process is to be repeated at eight AM. You would be surprised to know that this process rids your body of all gallstones. This five day therapy can be repeated every month and it ensures that your liver is maintained in peak condition.

Contrary to popular belief, coconut oil is a natural ingredient that helps greatly to maintain a good bile flow. Beetroot, turmeric, milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and selenium, all help to fight against cancer and are great liver supplements too.

Not only has your body to be cleansed and detoxed regularly, but also, care should be taken to maintain your home, work place and environs free of pesticides, herbicides and harmful man-made chemicals.

Oral hygiene has to be maintained at all costs. Get rid of all amalgam fillings in your teeth. This alone can prevent and eliminate cancer from attacking your body. It has been conclusively proven that root canal treatment is more dangerous and cancer causing than amalgam fillings and are to be avoided like the plague.

All said and done, a little care in regulating your diet and life style will go a long way in not only cure cancer but also keeping it at bay once and for all. A sedentary life style, poor diet, lack of water, sunshine and fresh air, constant exposure to toxins are all major contributing factors to inviting cancer cells to invade your body. Ensure good night’s sleep, ample physical rest to conserve energy for healing and cleansing and you can be assured that half the battle is won. Resolve to adhere to a balanced diet, drink eight glasses of water, and get enough fresh air and sunlight and exercise daily. Lots of fresh fruits, salads, nuts, roots and tubers, toxin free fish and meat, little or no grain or dairy products- should be the mantra. Take time to chew your food thoroughly to gain maximum advantage of the nutritive properties.

Fasting is an excellent way to embark on a disease fighting regimen. Not only does it help to eliminate wastes and toxins but also helps to reset the body to optimum health levels to fight cancer and other illnesses. Making it a habit to fast once a week is an excellent tactic to keep your body cleansed and also to reach and maintain optimum weight. The best way to fast would be to go on a juice and vegetables only diet for a day.

Sunshine has always been vital to good health and survival. There is a synergistic relationship between sunshine and good health. Abundant sunshine is excellent for controlling tumor growth. It also prevents cancer by stimulating the body to produce Vitamin D. Sunshine, in fact, is known to ward off melanoma as well as other cancers. Contrary to popular belief, fair skin and incidence of moles on the body are major risk factors for skin cancer and not over exposure to the sun.

Far too many of us shut ourselves off from nature and prefer to remain closeted indoors in offices and apartments. Make it a regular habit to take frequent walks in fields and woods. As often as possible, remove your footwear and go barefoot in the soil and grass. Start your own organic fruit and vegetable garden. If it is not possible due to lack of space, at least see to it that you have a semblance of a garden and greenery right there in your apartment. Use pots and other containers for your balconies and patios. Working with soil, water and plants not only helps you to experience calm, peace and tranquility but you will benefit greatly too from the extra oxygen as it removes toxins from the environment around your home.

Cancer does not survive well in the presence of well oxygenated cells. It’s been proven time and again that low cellular oxygen is the primary causal cancer causing factor. In order for adequate and proper utilization of cellular oxygen to take place, the daily diet should include adequate measures of unsaturated fatty acids.

Include plenty of iodine, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D in your daily intake of supplements. All these are vital in beating and preventing cancer. Take supplements of trace minerals too on a daily basis to promote immunity. It’s important to take plenty of healthy Omega 3, which is readily available in coconut oil, avocados, and organic butter. Omega 3 is known to help fight against wasting of non fat tissue, especially that of the skeletal muscle tissue.

To fight against cancer and to prevent it, avoid sugar as much as possible. Sugar feeds cancer as well as a host of other diseases too. Avoid bread and foods that contain bleached white flour. Avoid pork, all charred food, aluminum and coated cookware; microwave cooked food, and food in plastic containers.

Last but not the least, it’s important to focus on maintaining a positive attitude to life. Remove the word stress from your life and believe that you are a winner, always. Make it a daily practice to meditate, do yoga, and change your job if it proves to be adding to your stress. Cultivate your hobby or passion.

Cancer can be considered a wake up call for change, for attention. It asks us to delve deep within ourselves so that, with a positive attitude, a relaxed mind and a healthy diet, we can tap into the wellsprings of internal strength deep within us and help heal ourselves; heal ourselves in a way that we would not have banked on, until the disease demanded it of us.


Healing of all kinds starts first and foremost in the mind. Instead of resorting to radiation therapy, chemotherapy and so on, as soon as a patient is diagnosed with cancer, most importantly, the patient has to believe and be convinced that his mind and his faith in himself has tremendous recuperative properties. Radiation, chemo and other treatments that aim to burn away the cancer cells, only help to further weaken the immune system of a body which has already been ravaged by cancer cells.


Nature at her best has an astounding treasure trove of foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs and life style choices at her disposal. The key to healing of cancer is to address and eliminate the root causes that lead to this terrible disease manifesting in the human body.


First and foremost, ensure that the body is cleaned thoroughly of all possible toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, undigested food, and gallstones, which have got accumulated over a period of time. This can be done by cleansing the colon, liver and by chelating to get rid of those heavy metals and toxins. A body’s first line of defense is always its immune system and it is weakened considerably due to accumulation of toxins.


It is highly mandatory that steps should be taken to cleanse, restore and protect the liver at all times. It has been proven that cancer cannot develop unless the liver is impaired. Here is a five day therapy to help cleanse your liver.


On the first three days consume a liter or four cups of apple juice and continue to take normal food. On the fourth day, refrain from consuming any solid food after lunch. At six PM of the same day, take a level tablespoon of Epsom salts in a glass of water. At eight PM, repeat the same process. Again, at around ten PM, thoroughly mix half a glass of olive oil and three quarters of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice. Drink this mixture and go to bed. You may find yourself frequenting the toilet often. On day five, at six AM, take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. Same process is to be repeated at eight AM. You would be surprised to know that this process rids your body of all gallstones. This five day therapy can be repeated every month and it ensures that your liver is maintained in peak condition.


Contrary to popular belief, coconut oil is a natural ingredient that helps greatly to maintain a good bile flow. Beetroot, turmeric, milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and selenium, all help to fight against cancer and are great liver supplements too.


Not only has your body to be cleansed and detoxed regularly, but also, care should be taken to maintain your home, work place and environs free of pesticides, herbicides and harmful man-made chemicals.


Oral hygiene has to be maintained at all costs. Get rid of all amalgam fillings in your teeth. This alone can prevent and eliminate cancer from attacking your body. It has been conclusively proven that root canal treatment is more dangerous and cancer causing than amalgam fillings and are to be avoided like the plague.


All said and done, a little care in regulating your diet and life style will go a long way in not only beating cancer but also keeping it at bay once and for all. A sedentary life style poor diet, lack of water, sunshine and fresh air, constant exposure to toxins are all major contributing factors to inviting cancer cells to invade your body. Ensure good night’s sleep, ample physical rest to conserve energy for healing and cleansing and you can be assured that half the battle is won. Resolve to adhere to a balanced diet, drink eight glasses of water, and get enough fresh air and sunlight and exercise daily. Lots of fresh fruits, salads, nuts, roots and tubers, toxin free fish and meat, little or no grain or dairy products- should be the mantra. Take time to chew your food thoroughly to gain maximum advantage of the nutritive properties.


Fasting is an excellent way to embark on a disease fighting regimen. Not only does it help to eliminate wastes and toxins but also helps to reset the body to optimum health levels to fight cancer and other illnesses. Making it a habit to fast once a week is an excellent tactic to keep your body cleansed and also to reach and maintain optimum weight. The best way to fast would be to go on a juice and vegetables only diet for a day.


Sunshine has always been vital to good health and survival. There is a synergistic relationship between sunshine and good health. Abundant sunshine is excellent for controlling tumor growth. It also prevents cancer by stimulating the body to produce Vitamin D. Sunshine, in fact, is known to ward off melanoma as well as other cancers. Contrary to popular belief, fair skin and incidence of moles on the body are major risk factors for skin cancer and not over exposure to the sun.


Far too many of us shut ourselves off from nature and prefer to remain closeted indoors in offices and apartments. Make it a regular habit to take frequent walks in fields and woods. As often as possible, remove your footwear and go barefoot in the soil and grass. Start your own organic fruit and vegetable garden. If it is not possible due to lack of space, at least see to it that you have a semblance of a garden and greenery right there in your apartment. Use pots and other containers for your balconies and patios. Working with soil, water and plants not only helps you to experience calm, peace and tranquility but you will benefit greatly too from the extra oxygen as it removes toxins from the environment around your home.


Cancer does not survive well in the presence of well oxygenated cells. It’s been proven time and again that low cellular oxygen is the primary causal cancer causing factor. In order for adequate and proper utilization of cellular oxygen to take place, the daily diet should include adequate measures of unsaturated fatty acids.


Include plenty of iodine, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D in your daily intake of supplements. All these are vital in beating and preventing cancer. Take supplements of trace minerals too on a daily basis to promote immunity. It’s important to take plenty of healthy Omega 3, which is readily available in coconut oil, avocados, and organic butter. Omega 3 is known to help fight against wasting of non fat tissue, especially that of the skeletal muscle tissue.


To fight against cancer and to prevent it, avoid sugar as much as possible. Sugar feeds cancer as well as a host of other diseases too. Avoid bread and foods that contain bleached white flour. Avoid pork, all charred food, aluminum and coated cookware; microwave cooked food, and food in plastic containers.


Last but not the least, it’s important to focus on maintaining a positive attitude to life. Remove the word stress from your life and believe that you are a winner, always. Make it a daily practice to meditate, do yoga, and change your job if it proves to be adding to your stress. Cultivate your hobby or passion.


Cancer can be considered a wake up call for change, for attention. It asks us to delve deep within ourselves so that, with a positive attitude, a relaxed mind and a healthy diet, we can tap into the wellsprings of internal strength deep within us and help heal ourselves; heal ourselves in a way that we would not have banked on, until the disease demanded it of us.

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