Anti inflammation foods

Anti inflammation foods

by Sanjay B

The human body usually reacts to infection or irritation through a swelling, redness or pain, which are inevitable signs of inflammation. Infection and inflammation therein need not be caused only when we hurt ourselves. Studies of late reveal that consuming wrong foods can cause inflammation within the body. Obesity by itself can trigger off inflammation.

There are three hormones that play a vital role in regulating metabolism and those are leptin, resistin and adiponectin. Leptin aids in controlling appetite, resistin increase insulin resistance and adiponectin lowers the blood sugar and makes the body more sensitive to insulin. It is always the fatty tissues that help to produce these hormones. An obese body produces more leptin, and brings the appetite under control. But, when the body is under attack of inflammation, the self regulation of fat does not take place. Here, the body inevitably stops responding to the appetite controlling effects of the hormone, leptin.

Inflammation can be aggravated by consuming diets rich in refined vegetable oils, like those in potato chips, baked goodies, margarines and diets high in sugar content. Resolving to shift to an anti inflammation diet can help to bring the body’s inflammation under control. Make sure to incorporate at least one anti-inflammatory food into your meals each day. Exercise is basically the greatest technique to control inflammation. Hence, a good anti inflammation diet coupled with regular exercise can help to prevent infection and inflammation of the body.

Anti inflammation foods

Include as many vegetables as possible into your daily diet. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, cauliflower, garlic, green beans, onions, olives, spinach, sweet potatoes and turnip greens help to counter inflammation.

Snack on fruits in between meals. Apples, avocados, fresh pineapple, guavas, lemons, limes, oranges, papayas, strawberries and tomatoes are great anti inflammation foods. When spicing up your dishes, use basil, chilli peppers, cinnamon, cloves, mint, licorice, oregano, rosemary, thyme and of course, turmeric. Almonds, hazel nuts, sunflower seeds, and walnuts are rich anti inflammation foods. Use avocado oils and extra virgin olive oil for cooking. Cod, halibut, herring, oysters, salmon, sardines, tuna and so on help fight inflammation.

Drink green tea often. It’s a great way to fight inflammation. In addition to these, nature’s bounty offers us many anti inflammatory foods which absolutely taste great. Besides helping to fight and reduce inflammation, they also provide us with an ample supply of vitamins and minerals that can boost the immune system.

Kelp contains fucoidan a complex carbohydrate that is anti inflammatory, anti tumor and anti oxidative too. Recent studies reveal that using these brown algae extract assists in controlling lung and liver cancer and also aids in collagen synthesis. Its high fiber content helps to induce fullness, slow fat absorption and accelerates weight loss.

Salmon is an excellent source of potent omega 3 fatty acids that help to prevent inflammation. It’s a well known fact that omega 3 fatty acids help to prevent heart disease, cancer and is great at treating auto immune diseases and psychological disorders. Make sure to include salmon or any other oily fish of your choice into your anti inflammatory diet, at least twice a week.

Turmeric, an Asian spice contains a non toxic compound by the name curcumin. .It’s anti inflammatory effects are on par with hydro cortisone but have no side effects. Ginger, a relative of turmeric is well known for its anti inflammatory benefits and assists in expelling colds, motion sickness and vomiting.

Shiitake mushrooms are revered by the Chinese for its mild smoky taste. Consuming these is a great way to fight cancer and boost your immune system. Go crazy on those plates of stir fried mixed mushrooms!

The flavonoids in green tea are great anti inflammatory agents well known to reduce risk of heart disease and cancer. Papaya, the fruit of the angels, contains pepsin a protein digesting enzyme that along with vitamins C and E helps to reduce inflammation, improves digestion and aid in healing burns.

The blue berry is literally an anti oxidant power house. It is rich in phyto nutrients that give you anti inflammatory protection against cancer and dementia. Black berries, cran berries, straw berries, and raspberries are equally high in anti oxidants. So feast on them liberally!

If you are on the look out for a secret to longevity, virgin olive oil is the answer. It’s poly phenol content protects the heart and blood vessels from inflammation. The olive oil contains mono unsaturated fats that assist in reducing occurrences of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Broccoli and cauliflower contain anti inflammatory and anti cancer phyto nutrients such as sulforaphane which helps to rid the body of carcinogenic compounds. Sweet potato and spinach are great sources of complex carbohydrate, beta carotene, manganese, vitamins B6 and C. They are powerful anti oxidants that help to heal inflammation.

The human body requires protein to build healthy body tissue. Include lean poultry, fish and sea food, nuts, legumes and seeds into the daily diet to cut back on red meats. Soy beans, tofu and soy milk are great sources of soy proteins that assist in reducing pain and inflammation.

Drink lots of water each day and this helps to clear off toxins in the body. Always choose fresh foods instead of going in for processed foods.

Here is a sample anti inflammatory diet that can help you to stay infection and inflammation free and also helps to boost your immune system.

Breakfast on oatmeal served with berries that are freshly picked from the gardens. Take walnuts and top it off with soy milk. Snack through out the day or whenever hunger pangs assail you, on fruits, nuts seeds and fresh vegetables. Cut down on cookies and candy. Consume more fish and less of red meat, Say No to deep fried foods, bake or stir fry your meals. Add color to your side dishes by opting for green, orange and yellow vegetables. Make it a habit to drink plenty of water, fruit juices, herbal tea and green tea.

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